Probation is a restrictive period of time during which you are under strict supervision. A probation violation occurs if you break the terms or conditions imposed by the court and may result in various consequences such as additional probation time, heavy fines, jail time, and more. Probation officers have the option to issue a warning though many elect to request a hearing with the court.
During your probation violation hearing, the judge will review the details of your case and determine whether the violation is valid as well as how to proceed. You will have the opportunity to admit or deny the violation. By admitting you have not upheld the imposed sanctions, there will not be much deliberation as it is guaranteed you will face the associated penalties.
If you deny the violation, the judge will hear all evidence and details regarding the nature of your crime and how you failed to uphold the stipulations of your probation. Just as any other criminal hearing, you will need to gather substantial evidence to support your innocence. Preparing for your hearing requires the expertise of a criminal defense lawyer you can trust, such as ours at Lessem, Newstat & Tooson, LLP.
Seeking an Experienced Ventura Criminal Defense Attorney? Contact Us
Once you receive the summons for your alleged probation violated, there is no time to waste in enlisting the representation of our aggressive criminal defense lawyers of Lessem, Newstat & Tooson, LLP. We will go above and beyond in our fight to deliver you the most positive outcome possible. Our skilled legal team is dedicated to helping you find a solution even when it feels as though all hope is lost.
We would love to hear from you. Please don’t hesitate to reach a representative of our firm at (800) 295-1054.